Welcome to My New Site

Back in 2007 I did something I wasn’t very sure about at the time: I set up a blog. While in and of itself not unusual, it was a bit of a leap for me at the time. I didn’t know a lot about how that sort of thing worked (honestly, I still don’t!) and wasn’t sure if anyone would ever read anything I posted. Twelve years and about 350,000 visits to the site later a lot has changed. The internet is a very different place, social media has become the primary source of news for billions of people around the world, and so much more. Well, I’ve changed a bit too in those years!

Why a New Site?

So why a completely new site? That is a fair question that has a rather simple answer. First, the platform I originally started on is very basic and limited in what it will allow me to do with the site. Just to be clear, I’ve not done much different here just yet, but the new site is much more flexible and will allow me to “grow into it.” Second, social media came along and changed everything. Like most of my readers, I embraced social media and have accounts on multiple platforms. I have also adopted a common “handle” across those platforms (drchrissanchez). The only place that was inconsistent was my own site. This new site allows me to be consistent across all of the digital space where I am active.

What About the Old Site?

For the time being, the old site will remain though there will no longer be new content posted there. I have posted a notice redirecting visitors to this new site and am hopeful that longtime friends of the site will join me here. I have also ported much of the content from the old site to this new site. There are a good many posts that continue to receive significant traffic and I’d like to continue to make that content available.

What Can You Expect Here?

I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to do a little freelance writing for The Christian Index which has sparked renewed interest in writing. Since I am doing a bit more writing lately, I plan to focus a bit of that energy here. You can expect 2—3 new posts a month on a variety of topics though I expect to focus much of my writing on topics related to my current area of local church ministry, administration and facilities.

I pray that God will use this site and His servant for His glory. May it be so.


4 thoughts on “Welcome to My New Site”

    1. I’m a fan good Doctor no matter where you are! Love you and Melisa Brother!!! Miss yall!!!

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