There is Hope in the Midst of Sorrow

Cancer is a name that carries an unthinkable weight, a name we’d all prefer not to know. But it’s a name that has seeped into our lives, our families, our friendships, and our churches. It is an illness that does not discriminate, tearing through the very fabric of human life, spreading fear, pain, and uncertainty. I hate cancer, not out of bitterness or rebellion against God, but because it causes such profound suffering to those I hold dear.

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A Year of Firsts

I’ve started to write this and stopped…and started again and stopped…oh, let’s just say more times than I want to admit. I knew the first year would be challenging, but I had nothing to compare it to and, if I’m being honest, didn’t really know how to ask someone else about it. You know, how do ask someone, “tell me how you dealt with that first year after one of your parents died?”

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