As we approach the end of 2024, I’m excited to share some of the highlights from the second half of…
A couple of weeks ago we celebrated my 54th trip around the sun and it has been every bit as eventful as all the others. I shared some thoughts on social media and thought I’d expand on those a bit and share them here since I’ve been intentionally quiet here on my site in recent months. That’s not to say there hasn’t been a lot going one…Lord knows there certainly has! Through everything, God has blessed my family and I in ways great and small.
Since announcing we were entering a time of transition, our family has received hundreds and hundreds of phone calls (yep… still a thing!), emails, text messages, and encouraging words across a variety of social media platforms, all wishing us well.
Resuming on-campus worship on Sunday morning was just the first step in our plan to slowly transition back to a normal schedule. Sunday will mark our fourth week of on-campus worship services. The last three weeks have gone very smoothly and we anticipate that to continue to be the case as we transition into the next phase of our reopening plan. I strongly believe one of the key reasons for that is part of our plan from the beginning included communication. There are four key groups we knew we needed to have clear communication with.
If there is someone who wants to resume on-campus worship services more than our team, I don’t know him! Seriously, since our church last met on March 15th for worship, we have been closely following the guidance of our local, state, and national leaders working hard to keep the members of our congregation safe.
I have been genuinely impressed to see the pastors of churches from across the Southern Baptist Convention creatively adapting to the constantly changing COVID-19 situation. As new information becomes available, leaders at all levels of government have been adjusting their responses to the spread of the virus and asking all organizations in our nation to adapt.
Do you remember Apple’s little iPod Nano? I sure do! Mine was a gift from my wife while our family was living in Las Cruces, New Mexico. That gift led to my moving away from listening to the radio in my car and eventually into the world of podcasts.
Lessons From United Airlines The recent debacle experienced by United Airlines remains in media headlines as additional details become public…