Three Things I See Churches Focusing On Right Now

I have been genuinely impressed to see the pastors of churches from across the Southern Baptist Convention creatively adapting to the constantly changing COVID-19 situation. As new information becomes available, leaders at all levels of government have been adjusting their responses to the spread of the virus and asking all organizations in our nation to adapt.

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Reflections: Looking Back on 2019

You’re probably hearing a lot of people saying something similar to what I am hearing: where did this year go? As the years pass by, they do seem to do so more quickly than I remember as a child or even as a young adult. With the year coming to a close in a few short weeks, I have been reflecting on all God has allowed me to be a part of and the ways in which He has blessed me and my family. Believe me, it’s a lot!

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Visits with Friends

Spending time with two of my friends yesterday was a tremendous blessing and not just because we ate well, which we did! That time reminded me of a few things those close ministry friendships add to my life and my ministry. Honestly, that time reminded me of more than that, but I thought I’d share a couple of those things here.

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