Our Next Chapter

I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from so many people the Lord has brought into our lives. Since announcing we were entering a time of transition, our family has received hundreds and hundreds of phone calls (yepโ€ฆ still a thing!), emails, text messages, and encouraging words across a variety of social media platforms, all wishing us well. Some have expressed sadness, some have expressed excitement, and all have been supportive of our desire to be obedient to Godโ€™s call on our lives in this new season of ministry.

Flat Creek Baptist Church, Fayetteville, GA

We are excited to be with the people of God at Flat Creek Baptist Church in Fayetteville, GA December 11th in view of a call to serve as their first Executive Minister. FCBC is a growing Southern Baptist church that is committed to reaching the community, the nation, and the ends of the Earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our family is eager to complete the move and I am excited about beginning my ministry there in January.

There is still much to be done as we earnestly continue to make this transition. We depart with full hearts and couldnโ€™t be more thankful for the love and support Northside Baptist Church has shown us in recent days. As we go with God to this new place of service, we sure do appreciate the continued prayers of Godโ€™s people!

12 thoughts on “Our Next Chapter”

  1. Congratulations Brother on your new opportunity that God has opened for you! I know he will continue to use you in a mighty way there! Prayers & Blessings, Phil

  2. Love you and your family. I know God is going to do great things no matter where he places you. Thank you for the encouragement and wise words of advise. Love yall.

  3. Excited for Godโ€™s guidance and your faithfulness in following. Kay and I have several friends in that Church.

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