How God Organizes People For Effective Action – Part 3

Examples for Others to See

In the NT we examine four passages of Scripture beginning with Mark 3:14. Here we note that Jesus appoints the twelve that would become the nucleus of his church. The number twelve recalls the twelve tribes of Israel and symbolizes the new or restored people of God.[1] We also see that they were with Jesus and that He planned to send them out into the world to preach. Next we examine Acts 4:13 where John and Peter recognized to have been with Jesus due to their boldness though it had been determined that they were common men. In 1 Thess. 1:5 and 2:5 the apostles came to the people full of conviction and blameless thus preserving the testimony of God that we saw previously was so important to maintain.

There should be obvious evidence that the people of God have been with Him. His people should become prepared for service in the ministry that is to include sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Godโ€™s people are also to guard their testimony of Him in the way our lives are lived so that nothing we do can be construed as a slight against Him and His holy word. This is a point that cannot be made too strongly for Christians in America today.

[1] Brooks, James A. The New American Commentary, Vol.23 Mark, Electronic Ed., Logos Library System. (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2001), 71.