Core Values for Ministry Teams

I was that kid we all know that always asked โ€œwhy?โ€ย  When my parents told me to do something, I asked โ€œwhy?โ€ย  When they wouldnโ€™t let me do something, I asked โ€œwhy?โ€ย  For me, early on I think โ€œwhyโ€ was more my need to know during that time of cognitive development though admittedly may have been a bit of attention seeking as I got older.ย  Still, these many years later I have retained my sense of curiosity about the things around me.

During a recent staff meeting we talked about our core beliefs.ย  For all of us who still need to know โ€œwhy,โ€ this is an important exercise that reinforces what we do and why we do it as a church.ย  The framework gives guidance when weโ€™re evaluating the things we do and considering new opportunities.ย  This is really good stuff!

This talk about core beliefs also got me thinking about core values.ย  I think there is a difference between those two terms.ย  Values are principles, ideals, or standards of behavior whereas beliefs are convictions/truths that guide values.ย  Core values should be guided by core beliefs.ย  As I thought through this, I wrote down five core values that are important to ministry teams.


A talent or quality which surpasses ordinary standards, thatโ€™s excellence.  When I think of excellence in ministry I think of 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:23.  Our goal should be to go about our ministry with excellence regardless of what it is at that moment in time.  Anything less simply falls short of bringing honor and glory to God.


The state of being joined together or in agreement, thatโ€™s unity.  In what is generally known as the Farewell Prayer of the High Priestly Prayer (John 17:1-26), Jesus prays for unity among believers and those who would come to faith through their ministries.  Sometimes a reminder is helpful: The Lord called each member of our team into ministry.  If we are going to seek excellence, we must be unified as we do so.


The combined efforts or actions of a group to accomplish a common purpose or goal, thatโ€™s teamwork.  There are a number of passages from Scripture that come to mind when I think of teamwork and ministry team but for me Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 and 1 Corinthians 12:17-20 stand out.  Excellence is ministry is not accomplished alone and the best teams combine diverse skills understanding the importance of the gifting each member brings to the team.  Excellence and unity require teamwork.


The firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something, thatโ€™s trust. Trust is not the same thing as faith, which is a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9) but rather is something we do because of the faith we have been given.  We Trust Godโ€™s word because it is inerrant and infallible and meant for our good.  We trust the members of our team because we share the same core beliefs, values, and goals for our ministries and our lives.  A team without trust isnโ€™t really a team.  Excellence, unity, and teamwork require trust.


The strong, deep, or close association between two or more people, thatโ€™s relationship.  The Bible is all about relationships!  Jesus taught us what we refer to as the Great Commandment which simply is to love God with everything you are and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:35-40; Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28).  Augustine asserted that everything written in Scripture is meant to teach us how to either love God or our neighbor.  Relationships are incredibly important and that includes the relationships members of ministry teams have with one another.  Excellence, unity, teamwork, and trust all require strong relationships.

Though brief, this is what I jotted down earlier this week and wanted to share.  I am sure there are other core values that could be pointed out (probably more eloquently) but these are what came to my mind as I thought about the core beliefs that guide these values for our staff.  Tell me what you think and share some of the core values your teams have.  Also, let me know if youโ€™re going to be at GO Georgia next week in Jonesboro so we can connect!



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