And so it begins…

It has been a few weeks since I last posted a new blog, a fact that was brought to my attention on Friday afternoon.  I have been considering what my next topic might be and it occurred to me that something personal to get things going again might be a good idea.  So here we go!

          This very weekend last year my family and I were in Lynchburg, VA at the commencement ceremony of Liberty University.  Gov. Mitt Romney, the eventual GOP nominee for president, was our speaker and the nation was in the midst of an election season that still divides people.  At that time I still had to complete two more classes to take over the summer before I would finally be finished with the MRE program at the seminary. 

I knew then that the Lord had more for me and was already praying about the next step in my education.  Sometime during my final class at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary I felt lead to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Doctor of Education program.  Placing everything in the Lordโ€™s hands, I began the application process shortly after my MRE was conferred.  My regular readers know I was eventually accepted into the Ed.D program.  I thought the application process was stressful but now there is hard work ahead!

This brings me to two things: first, the photo in this post.  That is photo of some of the resources I will be using in my first class Theological Foundations for Educational Research (92010).  I would greatly appreciate your prayers over my studies concerning clarity of thought, good time management (something I am not always good at doing), and reminders not to neglect my time with the Lord or my family during the next thirty months.

Second, the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention generously supports the six seminaries of our convention which helps to hold the cost of seminary education down.  The normal tuition for the Ed.D program is $24,900 however the discounted rate for members of SBC churches is $14,900.  This is a tremendous blessing yet the costs that remain are quite significant and will exceed $20,000 including tuition, books, travelling and lodging expenses to/from campus, fees, etc.  Please prayerfully consider supporting my journey financially.  If you feel so led, a donation in support of my Doctor of Education in Leadership can be sent to:

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Attention: Accounting
2825 Lexington Road
Louisville, KY 40280
In the memo field of your check, please include:
For Christopher Sanchezโ€™s EdD Tuition S. I. 211863
If you choose to make a donation, thank you!  Please know that I know all too well that I do not deserve such blessings.  My family and I are grateful for your kindness and generosity as we continue to follow Godโ€™s perfect will for our lives. 

As always, I am so grateful to my regular readers who faithfully visit my site and send me words of encouragement.  This blogging journey has been amazing and I am just as excited about it today as I was with my very first post.  Praying for you all!
