A New Season

My regular readers have noticed that my blogging activity has slowed down considerably since beginning doctoral work at The SouthernBaptist Theological Seminary.  Well, the workload is significant and requires a good bit of my time.  Still, I love blogging and can’t seem to stay away.  I wanted to take a moment to share some new developments with you.

Being a husband, father, student, working fulltime, and serving in various capacities in our church, time is a valuable commodity.  With such a full schedule professionally, academically, and personally, it was with a sad heart that I served my last shift this past Monday with The HopeQuest Ministry Group.  For nearly two years I have been privileged to serve alongside amazing people who love the Lord and have a heart for those struggling with life dominating issues related to alcohol abuse (or dependence), substance abuse (or dependence), or sexual brokenness.  The highlight of my time mentoring with HopeQuest has been watching the TREK program of this ministry successfully go through the process of becoming licensed by the State of Georgia.  I have developed friendships that will last the rest of my life and will continue to have a special place in my heart for this vital ministry.

With the closing of one door, another has been opened.  I will begin teaching a median adult Sunday School class at First Baptist Church Woodstock next week during the 8:00 a.m. Sunday School hour.  Melisa and I are humbled to be called to serve in this capacity and excited about the opportunity to play a small part in the discipleship ministry of this wonderful church.  We hope to bring an even greater focus on discipleship to the class with an eye towards missions.  We have witnessed the power of small groups firsthand and are eager to see how the Lord uses this class! 

As always, I covet your prayers and greatly appreciate your encouragement.  We are on an incredible journey and it is pure joy to be able to share it with you.
